The Sunrise Meadows Homeowner's Association was established in 2005 in Rossville, Georgia. The association is comprised of 198 residential homes. The HOA Board of Directors, which consists of volunteer residents, manages its operations and oversees activities in the community in order to protect the general interests of the homeowners as well as to secure the continuous integrity of the community.

This website was developed to provide information about the subdivision and to serve as a central place for informing residents. If you have questions regarding this website or the content provided, please contact us.

*2025 HOA dues are $120 and must be postmarked by February 28th.  They need to be mailed to the post office box listed below.  If you would like to make your payment online please use the “Add to Cart” button below.  A PayPal account is not required for this service. A $5 convenience fee will be included if using the PayPal option, making the total $125. This covers the PayPal fee we incur.

If you do not want to use the website to pay, you can also login to your PayPal account and send the money via Paypal directly to

Please note these dues are for Sunrise Meadows in Rossville, GA. Accidental payments can be refunded but they incur PayPal fees which are the responsibility of the purchaser.

HOA 2025 Dues

If you are a Sunrise Meadows resident, you can sign up for our mailing list by completing the form here.